Bhutan ADR Center
The First Parliamentarian enacted the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of Bhutan 2013 (ADR Act 2013) on the 3rd Day of the 2nd Month of the Water Female Snake Year of the Bhutanese Calendar corresponding to the 25th Day of February 2013.
In absence of such ADR center, the Construction Development Board was authorized to facilitate the arbitration.
And accordingly Bhutan Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre (Bhutan ADRC) was establish and started functioning from 15th May 2018, and it defines as an independent body, having a distinct legal personality, and capable of doing all commercial related dispute through arbitration and negotiation. Bhutan is 151 states party in the New York Convention
Functions of the Centre
The Centre serve as a neutral, efficient and reliable dispute resolution service center and
Carry out administrative and secretarial functions for the dispute resolution proceeding
Provide expertise in the field of alternative dispute resolutions to the stakeholders
Provide training to the people who are involved in the Alternative Dispute Resolution
Certify an arbitrator who is trained by the Centre
Accredit other qualified arbitrators
Facilitate negotiated settlement as deemed Appropriate
Disseminate information to the public on Alternative Dispute Resolution
Liaise with International Alternative Dispute Resolution bodies