
Bhutan Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre

The First Parliamentarian enacted the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of Bhutan 2013 (ADR Act 2013) on the 3rd Day of the 2nd Month of the Water Female Snake Year of the Bhutanese Calendar corresponding to the 25th Day of February 2013.

In absence of such ADR centre, the Construction Development Board was authorized to facilitate the arbitration.

And accordingly Bhutan Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre (Bhutan ADRC) was establish and started functioning from 15th May 2018....

Keep Updated about BADRC




Bhutan ADR Centre is pleased to announce the following vacancies. Designation Level Slot Type...

Interview Result for Assistant Administration cum Finance Officer And notification for Legal post


Final Result. For Assistant Administration cum Finance officer For Legal Post. Applicants who have...

Shortlisted Candidates For Asst/Administration and Finance Officer


Bhutan ADR Centre is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the post of...



Bhutan ADR Centre considers itself fortunate to have had your contribution all these years....

Annual Report 2022


Bhutan ADR Centre Annual report 2022

Arbitration Training


The Bhutan ADR Centre is pleased to announce the following: As per section 15(7)...



Renewable of Annual Membership and Member’s Verification ( Arbitrators) Arbitrators Training The Bhutan ADR...

Office notification


01 July 2021:…. Document required if party’s Jabmi 19 March 2021:.. Interim International Arbitration...

Birth Anniversary of His Majesty The Druk Gyalpo Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck


On the Joyous Occasion of 43rd Birth Anniversary of His Majesty The Druk Gyalpo...

Arbitration Agreement

ā€œArbitration agreementā€ means an agreement in writing between the parties to submit to arbitration all or certain disputes which have arisen or which may arise between them in respect of a defined legal relationship,...

Negotiated settlement

ā€œNegotiated settlementā€ means a process, whether referred to by the expression ā€˜conciliationā€™, ā€˜mediationā€™ or an expression of similar import, whereby parties request negotiator to assist the parties to settle dispute arising out of or relating to..

Domestic Arbitration

ā€œDomestic arbitrationā€ shall mean an arbitration to which all parties are: 1. Citizens of the Kingdom of Bhutan; or 2. Body corporate, a company, business entity or an association which is incorporated in, or whose central management and...

International commercial arbitration

ā€œInternational commercial arbitrationā€ means an arbitration relating to disputes arising out of legal relationships, whether contractual or not, considered commercial and where at least one of the parties is: